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Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes, 1795-1815


ultimately be crowned with success We have since the last yearly meeting recd.from the meeting for sufferings of Phila. theadditional sum of $4694 44/100 which they hadalloted to us as our proportion of the moneyraised by our brethren of Great Britain andremited to them for the purpose of aiding theexertions of Friends in America in promotingthe civilization and improvement of theIndians, this with the money before recd. hasbeen invested in Stock and is held in Trustfor the use of the CommitteeWe have examined the Treasurer a/c andfind in his hands a Balance of $1476 59 Exclusive of the amount of Stock held by theCommitteee Signed by direction &;on behalfof the Committee By P.E Thomas Clk tothe Committee10 mo 11 1809 Then adjourned until the 12 Inst. at the 6thhour in the evening when the committee againmet present 24 members and our friend CharlesShoemaker from the Yearly Meeting of Philadelphia The situation of that portion of the Delaware Tribe of Indians residing near MohickenJohns Lake being again brought into view and