directed to be signed by the Clerk This printed report is tipped-in. To the Yearly Meeting, now sitting.The committee on Indian concerns have agreed to inform, that aftertheir last report they received information, that from a change of cir-cumstances which had taken place among the Indians at the Wabash,it was not likely that any further endeavours for their assistance couldbe continued to advantage- and therefore, after solidly considering thesubject, we were united in believing that it would be best, at least fora time, to discontinue our efforts in their favour, under the hope, how-ever, that the causes which have led to this suspension, may only betemporary, having, as we have understood, been produced by the de-lusive counsels of an Indian among them stiled a prophet, and whoseinfluence, we hope, may prove to be of a transient nature. The committee also inform, that having received information that anumber of Shawanees, at Wapakonetta, on the Auglaize, had mani-fested a disposition to turn their attention to agriculture, and appeareddesirous that the assistance of Friends might be extended to them ; and,as our efforts on the Wabash were at present suspended after atten-tively considering the subject, it was judged expedient to nominatesome of our number to make them a visit, and though way has not yetopened for that to be accomplished, the committee feel free to observe,that little or no loss has been sustained ; as the minds of the Indiansin that quarter have been too much agitated during the past summer,(the delusive influence of the person beforementioned having been alsoattempted at this settlement) to afford a prospect, that any instructionor assistance could have been introduced to advantage among them.And it may be proper here to mention, that government was informedof our prospect of affording assistance to these Indians, and expressedentire approbation. The committee also appointed a part of their number to make a visitto some Delawares, near Mohickon John, a water of the Muskingumin the state of Ohio, with authority to give them some assistance, andhaving since learned by their Report, that a visit has been paid to themaccordingly, to much satisfaction, we have continued the deputationto give them such further advice and assistance, as their wants mayappear to require in the cultivation of their lands. Notwithstanding the difficulties and discouragements the committeehave had to encounter, they yet feel a lively hope, that by keepingpatiently under the weight of this concern, their labours may finally besuccessful. We have examined the Treasurer's accounts and find in his hands abalance of $1469 59 cents, exclusive of the principal of the Donationreceived from our Brethren of Great Britain. Signed on behalf of the Committee.Philip E. Thomas, Clk.Baltimore, 10th Month 16th, 1810. Then adjourned At a meeting of the committee onIndian concerns 10 mo 19 1810 Present 18 Members The expediency of a visit to the Indiansat Wapakanetta being taken into considerationa renewed interest was felt in the prosecutionof the concern, and the following friends wereappointed to pursue the views of the committeeas stated in the minute made upon the subjectin the siting of the 2nd month last, to wit Philip