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Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes, 1795-1815


At a Meeting of the Committee 10 mo 15th 1812 Present MembersIsaac Tyson Caleb Bentley Henry Mills&; John Ellicott were appointed to examinand adjust the Treasurer a/c and report tothe next Meeting of the Committee George Ellicott Thomas Moore Andw.Ellicott &; P. E Thomas were appointed to preparea report to the Yearly Meeting nowsiting and report to the next Meeting ofthe committeeThen adjourned to thisevening at 7o'clock when the committeeagain met present 20 members and ourfriend Rowland Green from the YearlyMeeting of Rhode Island The friend appointed to examinethe Treasurer a/c produced the folowingreport We the Committee appointed to settle the Treasurer a/c report that wehave examined the same and find in hishands a Balance of $1972 53/100 exclusive of$196 68 1/4/100 in the hands of Henry Mills &; 118Shares of Union Bank Stock. The a/c of Jonathan Wright being yet unsetld Balto. 10 mo 15 1812 Isaac TysonC. BentleyHenry MillsJ. Ellicott