of its discovery by the white men, had not even a traditional knowledge of the making of these fish pots, nor of the erection of the fortification. This day, in passing along, my mind has been involved in much serious reflection on the im-portance of our mission. And I trust I have in no small degree felt the responsibility we are under, not to men only, but to the Great Author of all good, with an ardency not to be expressed, that we may indeed discharge the trust reposed in us, and perform the duty required of us with propriety. 10th. Travelled thirty-four miles, and after night were glad to reach the house of our friendJonathan Taylor, in the State of Ohio; on our way we passed through the small villages of Tay-lorstown and West Liberty. The tract of coun-try through which we have travelled is generally fertile and is mostly settled. In the course of this day's ride, it is observable that limestone is to be found on the tops of the highest hills, but is rarely found in the bottoms. It may now be noted that the hills between the Monongahela and the Ohio rivers are gene-rally of a very singular description, having two or three circular elevations, the surface of each elevation flat for the space of twenty-five to thirty feet in diameter. These flat appearances extend quite around the circumference of the hills, and seem to vie with art for regularity. This day we crossed in a boat the great river