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A Mission to the Indians from the Indian Committee of Baltimore Yearly Meeting to Fort Wayne, in 1804


settlement were then dispersed, and at their hunting camps (no date given), they turned their attention to eight of ten families of other Indians of the Tuscaroras, who were very de-sirous of being instructed in farming, but were without agricultural implements, and were also in want of provisions; these they would have visited, in order to meet their active men, who had invited them to an interview, but were prevented from doing so by the situation of the Ohio river, which was in flood, with vast masses of ice passing down it. They, however, left a supply for their relief with Thomas Smith, who lived near Georgetown, and also engaged a black-smith to make them some farming utensils.Reese Cadwallader and Joel Wright, from all they had heard and seen on their journey, be-lieved it would be right for the Indian Com-mittee to send a deputation to the General Council of the Indians to be held the next spring. The Committee on Indian Concerns met again on the 23d of Third month, 1799, being a spe-cial meeting; when a letter from Thomas Wistar and a speech from the principal chief of the Wyan-dot nation, called Tarhie (the Crane), was read. This chief, in his speech, which was delivered at Detroit on behalf of the whole Wyandot nation, on the 8th day of September, 1798, reminds the Friends that they once met the Indians at a certain place where a great many good things