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A Mission to the Indians from the Indian Committee of Baltimore Yearly Meeting to Fort Wayne, in 1804


them some of your ways of living. I am glad that the Great Spirit has put it into your hearts, and am sorry that your efforts have not yet been successful. Brothers and Friends,-I now assure you, that you hear the voice of the Potowatomy, Miami, Delaware, Shawanese, Weas, Eel River, Pianka-shaw, Kickapoo, and Kaskaskia Tribes of Indi-ans, and if you wish to do any thing for any of these nations we will at all times be ready to render any assistance in our power. The Little Turtle then again alluded to the plea-sure they had received from the words of theFriends of Philadelphia, and were equally pleased to hear the same good words from the Friends of of Baltimore. He then mentioned that the Friends of Philadelphia had given them some tools, among which were two ploughs.* * Alluded to in the letter of Thomas Wistar. I used them, and did all I could to keep them from wearing out; I was pleased with them; they now need repair; we have nobody among us that can mend them, and they are now useless to me. He then referred to a visit they had made to Phila-delphia five days since, and the talks they had had together with the Quakers there, had concluded by inviting the Friends of Baltimore to meet the Indian tribes at their next Great Council, held annually at Fort Wayne, at the time the Indians receive their annuities from the United States;