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Halliday Jackson's Book [of Corrrespondence], Genesinguhta, 1798-1800


Wm Johnson at Buffalo who will deliver them to You when you are ready to build a saw mill first informing Halliday Jackson and Joel Swayne our two young men who live at Genesinguhta and getting their Order for delivering them to you. Brothers we cannot at this time give you any assis-tance about Farming, but if the men will begin to be industrious ( we see your land is very good) you may soon raise abundance of Grain and if you take our advice in that and leave off drinking Whisky, we shall be encouraged to try, to instruct you further in farming and work-ing your land, but if you will spend your money that you should buy Cattle and other useful things with, for Whisky, we shall be discouraged from trying to get our young men to come and live with you, and instruct you, for we see that bad white men who get drunk do very little good for themselves or anybody else. Buffalo 10 mo. 9 – 1799Signd by Joshua Sharpless Isaac Coates James Cooper Thomas Howardson