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Isaac Coates Journal of Journeys to the Indian Country


him. We then returned to Jeremiah Moore's, where we met with the rest of our company; had a solid conference among ourselves respecting the nature of our appointment, which hath felt increasintly weighty. Four of us lodged here, to wit: Nathan Smith, Thomas Stewardson, Joshua Sharples, and my-self. 28th. Joshua Sharples went along with James Cooper to see a friend. Nathan, Thomas, and myself visited two families who are a little inclined to the Methodists, and returned to Moore's to dinner. In the afternoon pad some social visits, and lodged at the same place, which at present is a temporary home. 29th, and the first of the week. Attended Friends' meeting at their usual time and place. After meeting, walked four or five miles along with Nathan Smith to Samuel Becket's, where Nathan had appointed a meeting to being at four o'clock, to which the neigh-bors and many of the Firends from about their meet-ing house came, and which I hope was a time of prof-itable instruction to some of them. On taking a view of the earnest desire which many of them have toattend such places, the compassionate feelings of my heart were very much awakened, especially for their women, many of them going four or five miles on foot, some of them with young children in their arms and others in such a state that I should have thought scarcely fit to travel far on horseback; yet they would and did walk faster than was easy for me, and re-turned to their homes in a dark night, the men car-rying lighted torches in their hands to show them the way along their muddy and rooty roads. Lodged at the same place. 30th. Spent part of the day agreeably with some of our friends; also had a solid opportunity with a man who we believed had taken imagination for rev-elation, which had led him into some strange acts and predictions. I hope his state was so clearly opened and laid home to him that it may be of use to him. He acknowledged he had been deceived and followed a lying spirit. In the evening five of us re-turned to my lodging. [To be Continued.]