1st of the Tenth month [1799.] We all attended a confer-ence before appointed to be held at Friends' meeting-house in Pelham township, otherwise the Short Hills, with the members of said meeting and the Friends of Black Creek, which was conducted with great solem-nity. In this conference I was more fully convinced that there is a small number of seeking, religiously minded Friends in both places, and that if they abode in the patience and perseverance, the way would open ere long for the establishment of a monthly meeting amongst them. But the rest of my brethren believed the time was already come; so, after expressing my doubts of their being fully ripe to be entrusted with the executive part of our Disci-pline at this time, I freely submitted my feelings to the judgment of those whom I esteem to be deeper in the religious experience. It was then agree to open a new monthly meeting to-morrow at eleven o'clock, to be known by the name of Pelham Monthly Meeting in Upper Canada, to be composed of Friends of Pelham and Black Creek and to be held alternately at each place the first Fourth day in every month. 2d. Attended the opening of the new monthly meeting, it being a favored opportunity, which re-vived a hope that if this small number of Friends composing said meeting keep in humility and steady attention to the best direction, their number and experience may so increase that the testimony of truth may be supported amongst them. After meet-ing took leave of our kind friends near the meeting-house and rode five miles to our friend, Samuel Becket's, who is a member of said meeting and who kindly entertained six of us, Joshua Sharples staying at James Crawford's. 3d. Thomas Stewardson, James Cooper, Jacob Paxson, and myself set off, intending for Newark down the Niagara River. Dined at Queenstown, thelanding where all the goods conveyed thus far by