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Isaac Coates Journal of Journeys to the Indian Country


Ninth month 19th [1803.] Adam Hoops's brother pro- posing to go to Genesinguhta to get some seed wheat, and the river being so low that we were doubtful Halftown would be beset to convey us down in his ca-noe, they kindly offered some of us a passage in their canoe. Accordingly Thomas Stewardson, John Shoe-maker, and George Vaux went with him, he having two active young men to work it; and Isaac Bonsal and myself took passage with Halftown and his son, having an exceedingly pleasant ride down the river, keeping in company all the way with the vessel which our friends were on board of, and another canoe with one man in it going to Pittsburg. We sometimes sat up and sometimes lay down and slept between two Indians navigating us, who appeared very dexterous, and disposed to accommodate us in every respect in their power. About twelve or fifteen miles down from the Issua we stopped and dined at aplace called the Plum-Orchard, it being on or near the upper end of the Indian reserve. I never saw such a place before, it containing about forty or fifty acres of exceeding rich land thickly set with trees which are loaded with excellent fruit, and abundance on the ground, now in full season. I have no doubt but there is more than one hundred cart-loads of ex-cellent plums on which we satiated our appetites for that fruit and took some on board. Then sailed down the river to the mouth of the Tusquiatossy, it being twen-ty-one miles from Issua. There we struck up a fire, pitched our tents and slept on the river-bank, the number of the passengers our squadron contained be-ing twelve. George Vaux hitherto being our cook hath performed his office to suit our palates, and this even-ing failed not in his skill. In the night an alarm was sounded in our camp by a sentinel, under an appre-hension of the near approach of a mortal enemy. One of our company took the alarm and immediately rose; the others believing it to be the effect of imag-ination did not think it necessary to get up, which ultimately proved to be the case. 20th. Breakfasted early and pursued our voyage four miles to the mouth of Tusquiatossy, being a creek (though now quite dry) that runs down what is called the Little Valley. Thence to Genesinguhta, where we met with our beloved friends, J. Taylor, J. Thomas, and J. Swayne, the young men whom we stationed there in order to improve the natives, John Pennock also being there some time, improving some of them in the smith- business. It was truly a very satisfactory meeting, particularly to them, they being so long from a sense of duty separated from their friends and relatives. Many of the Indians came to see us this afternoon and took us by the hand with evident tokens of great joy, which is a clear indica- tion that they are highly pleased with, and in good measure sensible of our disinterested endeavor to improve them in agriculture, mechanical arts, and profitable civilization. We observed, as we sailed down, the Indian reserve of land along the river to be excellent; and when we came within fourteen or fifteen miles of Genesinguhta, the settlements and