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Journal of a Visit to the Seneca Indians, 1796, by James Cooper of Woodbury, N.J.


the Bank of Earth it was Crost of from its sink was on seventh Day last seen by several people on the opposite side of the Creek it was to be sure a strange sight to see how jostled &; jumbled a situation the sudden stroke of a few minutes left in it so vastly uneven very wide cracks opening so wide as it was with difficulty we could pass to view it. These was at the time a flock of sheep grazing thereon and in there surprise huddled together after taking a view to our satisfaction and admiration returnd to our quarters got a breakfast . Crossed the Katskill Creek to the Village of the same name where our host inform'd us 6 years ago there were but 7 dwellings houses now we suppose there to be between 40 &; 50 &; 20 stores several vessels on the Hocks from thence we Rid &; crossed Baltimore Creek &; T Town Village22 miles &; Din'd Edward Hallack son of our Ancient kind friend of the same name heretofore namedafter which we set out for Albany the stream of our Northern course when we got late in the evening put up our horses at a Tavern after which our friend Peter Field a Watchmaker the only whose family is the only one that has a right among friends, got us quarters these appearing a necessity of our dividing, there are but a few other members &; a few more friendly People &; professors but no meeting nearer than Sixteen miles, the friends wife express to me the concern it was to her that they were so situated the Custom of the place was such as to give her concern on their children’s account that her daughter they hadseveral times had invitations to go to their public amusements, that the refusal seems strange to the impiters this last ride to until we got to Albany was 16 miles, though we believed it to be 20 the fourth of the week &; eighth of the month in the Afternoon left Albany and rode 14 miles to Schenectady where we lodged the place seems nearly as large as Albany tay above the Rapids of Mohawk River, between the two town a barren Sandy soil chiefly