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Journal of a Visit to the Seneca Indians, 1796, by James Cooper of Woodbury, N.J.


14th: of 6th: This morning Rainy we did not send to the Oneidas untill after breakfast then sent them word to meet us at two o’clock, in the afternoon it clear'd away and walked to their Village about four miles from the Stockbridges, on the way met a messenger sent from the Tuscaroras with a few lines from their chief wishing us to come and see them, we accordingly did their settlement between the Oneidas and Stockbridges converst with one of their Chiefs Nicholas Tuisack were informed by him their tribe there on that settlement of was twelve families that past they originally were setled to the Southward, and that we think its likely they were the original proprietors of the Hopewell lands, concerning which our yearly meetings for many years were exercised with, we left them for the present &; went on to the Oneidas where we met part of them at their Chiefs house lately built, its a frame weatherboarded &; shingled they having a sawmill and it going which was built by Government which by Government the Dam broke the Dam broke at the time the Stockbridge likewise a Grist mill which we understood &; so has been for someto be built this summer time is begun, After opening Counsel the lateness of the day, unfit ness of the Interpreter for Rendered it necessary both for them &; us to postpone our Communications until another day which was agree'd to &; fifth day next at 10 oClock when their old Interpreter Captain Jacob Read is to officiate in that Capacity 15th: This after noon we took another opportunity with the Tusca roras we find they have never had any portion of land measured them but find they consider themselves Dependants therefore unhapppy 16th: This morning we with several of the Inhabitants of the town accomplished a piece of Indian fence in a very short time for a fresh pasture for our horses, between 9 and 10 began to Rain but set off some afoot others on Horseback to the Oneidas according to appointment after some time they generally met, after some time they delivered us some introductory speeches, then the nature of our business was oppened of all of which they seemingly could not understand and in particular that we should bring them plows without oxen to Draw the Ploughs, but after some further explanations they seem'd better reconsited, and said after some time spent in their counsel in communicating