murmur; The Lord has hitherto helped me. 3rd. From hence we are to journey to Cohorse, in Vermont. . At which place we arrived on the 4th. I was much weary. We had two Meetings the dayfollowing, being first day; One of them was held in a School-housein a good degree solid; the other in a Baptist Meeting house, large, butinterrupted by the people's going out and in: It is often so, when we consentto hold meetings in the houses which belong to People of other Societies.I believe we ought carefully to feel our way, even when their houses are offeredfreely. Here I met with my friend Henry Hull from Nine Partners. 7th. I had a Meeting in Sharon near Bassett's, which was large; but itsuffered Loss by a friend's speaking rather too much about his ownConvincement: My Mind was distressed hereby; And my desires are thatFriends of the Ministry may be well guarded against branching outimproperly, when silence might be more useful near a Meeting's Conclusion. We now set out for Danby, through a Mountainous Country, which9th. we reached the next day. My journey since I left my habitation, Ithink amounts to near two thousand Miles by land and Water tillcame to this place; And I am thankful that I feel in good measureComfortable after the Fatigue which has attended such a long Travel. 10th. At Danby we had a meeting that was large, and exercising. I thoughtthe people's minds were too much outward, and not attentive to the true founda-tion. The next day had a favoured meeting at Mountholly on the greenmountain in Vermont, where no Meeting of Friends was ever held