were willing to do Justice; divers Conferences were held amongst themselves &; with us relative to that Business, the Issue of which was that we were all of Opinion the Tuscaroraswere the People who formerly owned that Country; they are now the sixth Nation in theConfederacy, and some of their Chief Men appeared so confident of the Rectitude of their Claim as to have entertained an Expectation that we came prepared to make them full Compensation for their land in the Premises.General Chapin Superintendant of the sixNation gave us his Judgement in writing in Confirmation of the Right of theTuscaroras, which with the Account of that People given by T. Jefferson leavesapprehended, no Room to doubt of the reality of the Matter a copy of which isherewith Sent. And now frnds having laid ye Subject before you not as Dictators but as brethren Concerned in the Same Common Couse of Pro- moting Truth &; Righteousness, we trust you will take it into Serious &; Solid Consideration &; if anything appears to remain Due from you to these greatly Injured people (which no doubt Some of you once thought) we hope you will chearfully Unite with us in Contributing a Small part of your Substance for their Relief &; Comfort. The Nation who Now asserts their Right to theLands which you have been a Long time in Possessing ofin a peculiar manner Claims our Sympathy being the mostDestitute of all the Six Nations, and only Live &; hunt on the Landsof the Senecas Nation by their Indulgence; but are not considerdas having any Rights in the Soil, &; we believe the Testimony of truth will suffer if someCompensation is not madethem from our Religious Society, With Desires that Bro-therly Love may Continue &; abound among us we re-main your Affectionate frds