Information from Friends in Canada respecting Indians 1816 About 25 Families of Mohocks head of Bay of Canton has a chuch--Capt. Isaac a good farmer--others more or less intemperate--Government contemplate giving them Land--what they now have is on long lease-- Cortunewaga near Montreal--Roman Catholics-- Massasagoes--most live near Young Streit or near Lake Simco--wander about--some few raise Corn-- lazy, dirty, idle &; intemperate--traders say several are honest and punctual in paying their debts which is mostly done in peltry--very few engaged in War-- inoffensive; not much given to violent resentments, but mostly quiet and well behaved when sober--wander from Lake Simcoe of Huron to Bay of Canton distance 300 Miles--are con- siderably numerous and are the original inhabitants-- other Tribes procured their Land from them and the Government purchase of them--and pay them an annuity--Government carefull in preventing bad Whites defrauding them and are punished if they buy Guns of Kettles &;v. of the Indians--public agents is appointed to protect them--there agents reside at York Kingston &;c. they collect large quantities of Furs--not a war like people--most remarkably hospitable and kind to strangers-- Grand River--Mohocks and other Indians--has a tract 12 Miles wide &; 40 Miles long--some farmers--many hundred families--Norwich Friends nearest to them-- Friends give an opinion that Friends in London might possibly influence the British Government to recommend to the Governor or Parliment of Canada some plans for ameliorating the Condition of the Indians in that province--or in such other way as Friends there may advise-- Enquire if the Gov. or Parliment can grant Lands a person was drowned--his Brother a justice lamented his loss and mourned much on the occasion, a Massasago Indian called on a Friend and told him to go to the Man and tell him that it was the will of the great spirit and that it was very wrong to mourn and that he ought to submit to it quietly otherways it would grieve the Great Spirit as it looked like finding fault with him