Respected Friend The Brothertown Indians appear to be rather improving amongst the young people, Stockbridge we know how it is with them fild with white people--the Oneidas their appears a great disposition to work &; improve their land especially the south settlement-- respecting the Onondagoes concerning the saw Mill appears to be fully settled with Ephraim Webster he has given it up to the Indians, he did observe he thoug- ht they had ought to allow him something. I told him as he had got some of their land that the Indians might have the saw Mill which he, consented too, &; there appears as much unity with Webster &; the Indians as ever. Mary from Stockbridge &; her step Father has gone to in order to stay this season--which I do most cordially unite with, &; believe they will be very usefull to them I may observe to the that I have been very much favoured in getting along this far for all which I have great cares to be thankfull for. Onondago 19th of 5th Mo. 1820 Thy Friend Charles Willits