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New York Yearly Meeting Committee on Indian Concerns Scrapbook


is not what is proposed by your House of Assembly to induce the several Indian tribes within your State to concentrate themselves in some suitable situationto that effect--there is much said in the Newspapers of the evil conduct of many of the Indians in your State, and should they be as bad as represented, it would be improper to encourage those who are sober and orderly to receive them on their reservations. this is a delicate subject of Legislation, but as the Session must now be drawing towards a close, we are willing to suggest whether a more convenient time for a joint conferrence than during the sitting of our Yearly Meeting cannot be agreed on, so many Committees meet just previous to the Yearly Meeting, and many necessarily between the sitting thereof that little time could be allotted to this subject. Such of our friends as feel a concern to attend our Yearly Meeting we shall be glad to see, but think this subject had better be defer'd to another time. Your Affectionate Friends Tho. Stewardson Thomas Wistar