where all the children attending them are taught in the english language. These Schools are rep- resented to be in a flourishing condition, and in thier general features are similar to our district schools in New England. Many of the Cherokees manifest an interest for the welfare of thier chil- dren, and the rising generation; and have recently made very considerable appropriations in order to extend the benefits of education and civilization amongst them more generally. They have a printing press in the nation where they have thier laws and public documents printed both in the English and Cherokee language. We arrived at the Council ground at a time when thier National Council was in session. The Government is divided into three departments viz. executive, legislative, and judicial. They style the head of the Executive department Principal Chief, Thier legislative department is divided into a Committee and Council. The Judiciary is com- posed of a supreme court, and an inferior or Circuit Court. John Rop is now and has been for many years Head Chief of the Nation. Thier Committee and Council consist of fifteen members each, elected by the people: all laws are enacted by the Legislature and signed by the Princi- pal Chief. Thier Supreme Court is composed of five judges. At the head of this Court is Jesse Biskey- head, a half blood Indian, and a Baptist preacher We were introduced to all the members of the several departments of Government, where we had an opportunity of witnessing thier manner of transacting business, which altho. simple and plain, was nev- ertheless very much to the point The whole nation (or at least as many as wi- shed to assemble) were one day while we were there collec- ted together in order to hear the annual message of thier Principal Chief, and likewise the Report of the delegation who were sent to Washington the last winter to transact some business with the Government; which Report embraced all their correspondence with the President and Secretary of War. This Message and Report were drawn up with ability. We witnessed nothing like a spirit of hostility on the part of these Indians towards the Government of the United States; and yet they have not forgotten the wrongs that have been practiced upon them by the whites. It affords them some relief when they can meet with persons who are willing to lend a listening ear to the sad tale of those sufferings and miseries caused by the State of Georgia, as well as the Agents and officers of the General Government. By accounts from persons of unimpeachable veracity, those who were eye witness of some of the horrid scenes, we were led to think that the half had never met the public eye They treated us with kindness and much attention while we were in the Nation, and altho. they have not had much acquaintance with mem- bers of our religious society until recently; yet they looked upon them as thier friends, and spoke with grateful hearts of the benevolent and Chris- tian interposition of Friends in a great many instances on behalf of the red man. Much might be said respecting the advance- ment of this Tribe in civilization &;c; but we will conclude by saying that our hearts were made to feel deeply for them, and to put up our feeble petitions to the Father of all our sure mercies, that He might yet smile upon this strip- ped and pealed people, and awaken them under a sense of the mercies extended to themselves to a feeling of thier own obligation to deal justly, and show mercy, and kindness to those poor descend- ants of the African race who are held in bon- dage among them. A band of the Seminole Indians (lately from Florida) were temporarily settled upon the Cherokee's land near by the Council ground, at the head of which, were two Chiefs by the names of Wild Cat, and Alligator, who were noted men in the late Florida War. We held two Councils with these Chiefs, at one of which came about Twenty of their principal men; Wild Cat and Alligator made many bitter