child; leading me in spirit, to contemplate the awful con-dition both of the house of Judah and Israel, who are trod-den under foot until the fulness of the Gentiles. Thesubject I was led to swell on, was these words of Jesus,And He shall set the sheep on His right Hand, but thegoats on His left. I could not forbear remarking, whata solemn aspect the Indians wore, and especially thewomen, who sat pensively weeping, paying great attentionto the sentences, as they flowed from my lips. I neverhad an Interpreter before this day, and was astonishedhow the words stopped as soon as the sentence was finish-ed, which confirmed me that Jesus Christ lived in me, andspake through my mouth. I have marveled at the assist-ance of my Gracious Master, this day more than anyother: because He stopped the stream, and caused it toflow just as was necessary for them to receive, throughthe interpretation of the Tuskarow Indian. After I hadgiven a suitable portion to my Indian brethren and sisters,I then addressed the white people present, and had greatliberty to pray with each; believing the Lord would an-swer my ardent supplication in behalf of such as desiredto be instructed. In the evening I held the third meeting at Vernon, ina new large barn, belonging to my kind friend CalvinYoung, which contorted his spirit among the rest whowere deeply affected under the Power of that God, whosends by whom He will and uses the most feeble instru-ments to glorify His Name, which is had in remembranceby all who revere His Majestic Person, for His Mercy,Love and Justice. This was large gathering, and myheart was filled with thankfulness that the Lord had fur-nished me with strength to go from one part to anotherthis day, and at the close to enable me, in His Fear, totestify, Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all Herpaths peace, thus Wisdom was honoured with the Lordmy God, who has prepared my way, and given me an in-crease of Faith in Him for this people, whom my lot iscast among.