of Philadelphia, they repaired to the prison and made a thorough examination of the edifice, the convicts, the by-laws, the whole economy of the establishment, which were satisfactory to that practical statesman Mr. Eddy had laboured to engage in the cause, and he was now ready to go heart and hand with him. Mr. Eddy procured a large number of copies of the penal code of Pennsylvania, and distributed them freely. To each of the members of the Legislature he pre-sented a copy, at the next meeting of that body, after his visit to Philadelphia. The General, with the as-sistance of Mr. Eddy, drew up a bill for establishing a penitentiary system in the State of New York. This bill he did not introduce into the Senate him-self, but engaged the services of a distinguished member of that body, Ambrose Spencer,* * See Appendix. a gentleman of first rate abilities, and who has since filled the important office of Chief Justice of the State of New York, with high honour. Both Spencer and Schuy-ler made excellent speeches on the subject, which had a surprising effect upon the members of the Senate, and on the audience. Mr. Eddy was at hand to give all the details that were necessary for a proper understanding of the provisions of the bill. The moment the representatives of the people were con-vinced of the utility and practicability of the mea-sure, the bill was passed without any great difficulty. The bill directed a state prison to be erected, and appointed Matthew Clarkson, John Watts, Thomas Eddy, Isaac Stoutenburg, and John Murray, jun., commissioners to carry the bill into effect. These commissioners designated Thomas Eddy as a com-mittee for building the prison, who engaged the architect and workmen, and went on in his own way with the whole concern. This duty he set about to perform, but imitated very closely the plan of the establishment at Philadelphia; the plan of the single rooms was an after thought with Mr. Eddy, but