know that you have the power to control him ; and,as we desire to live in peace, and to become civilized nations, we earnestly entreat you to use your powerand wisdom to prevent all people, whether white orblack, who may cause the Rum, and the other spirit-uous liquors, to come in the hands of our tribesthroughout your State. In compliance with this, our request, we will acknowledge your friendship. Is from your brethren, Chiefs and Warriors of Oneida Nation, JOHN SKONNONDOGH, CRISDIAN THONIGHGIVENSERA, WILLIAM TATAGIVESERA, SHAGOGHYUDAHA, KAWEGDOT, CORNELIUS KONOYOUNG. Chiefs of Tuscaroras, NICHOLAS CUSECK, DAVID TYANRESCAGWENDYRORAS, PETER DYONGIVET. Chiefs of Maheconneck, or Stockbridge Tribe, HENDRICK AUPAUMUT, JOSEPH QUINNEY, JOSEPH SHANQUEATHQUOT, JOHN QUINNEY. The following letters to General Floyd, who wasan Indian agent, and took a lively interest in thecivilization of those under his care, we copy fromMr. Eddy's manuscripts, which give a full and fairaccount of the efforts of the philanthropists of thatday, in their endeavours to assist the Indians, inwhich they were joined by the General and States'Governments. To General WILLIAM FLOYD, at Fort Stanwick, New York, 7th mo. 11th, 1796. RESPECTED FRIEND, Thy favour of 19th ultimo, to Thomas Eddy, is now before us, with the contents of which we are