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Life of Thomas Eddy


larly to say, that he wishes to be most kindly andaffectionately remembered to thee and thy good lady. I am, with great respect and esteem,Thy assured friend, THOMAS EDDY.To Sir HENRY LUSHINGTON, H.B.M. Consul General, Naples. New York, 11th month, 14th, 1820. MY DEAR FRIEND, Having been informed that it is thy intention topublish some account of the inland navigation of ourstate, and of the progress made in improving it since1792; and being requested by our mutual friends —,to communicate to thee, how far, in my opinion, thestatements made by Elkanah Watson, contained inhis book, entitled, the History of the Rise and Progressof the Western Canals, are correct; I shall submitthe following observations. I have no doubt of thefact, that it was in consequence of Elkanah Watsonhaving communicated to General Schuyler the obser-vations he had made during his tour to the westernpart of the state in 1791, and particularly as to thegreat benefits that would result by improving theMohawk River, and opening a canal communicationat Fort Stanwix, to Wood Creek, and from thence to improve the navigation to the Seneca Lake, that firstturned the attention of General Schuyler to theseimportant objects, and induced him to offer to theSenate, the act incorporating the Western and North-ern Inland Lock Navigation Companies. Indeed,General Schuyler, about the year 1790, often men-tioned this fact to me; and during the remainder ofhis life, I several times accompanied him, in examin-ing the Mohawk River, and westward, as far as theSeneca Lake, with a view to ascertain the practica-bility of improvements by canal navigation, &;c.The Western Canal Company expended a vast sumof money in improving the Mohawk, &;c. and beingwell satisfied that the stockholders would not consent